First of all I am glad that this was arranged. I should be honest with you, I was a bit reluctant: do we get anything new, you know, because when I was health minister, I was working in pharmaceutical financing and supply, we have tried to build the same thing and the same system too. But I’m really happy by what I have seen today.
I will raise some of the issues:
- I know as you know Sudan was struggling with sanctions, but despite that the contribution of the government for free medicines increasing to 150 million dollars. This is very impressive. It shows the commitment that Dr. Gamal have said. I t is understood that, when there is a shortage of resources, you allocate resources to help the people, to help the poor who will not have any other option.
- Availability: many countries have been struggled with availability of medicine. And in few years NMSF have increased the availability from 43% to 95%. This is impressive and it shows there is commitment in your organization, yourself, you are doing the Job to the best you can by using better system. And shows the reform you have staff is also working. I am really glad to witness that.
- You can have resources, you can have increase in medicine, you can increase the availability, but if you don't manage the expiry and the wastage is high, this is not good. Because it is a waste of hard currency, from a country that is trying to do its best to allocate funds to support its people. If there is wastage this is not good. So decreasing it from 7% to 1% again is impressive, and this is highest standards I would like to comment on that.
- The use of technology, we were at the control room and Dr.Gamal was showing me how the colour changes when the temperature is not in the range, and then if there is no response within few minutes then sms delivered to the person in charge to remind. I was even said to Dr.Gamal we have to use this system in other programs. Because there are many things we can’t do because of poor follow up we miss the targets, it can help us if we implement the same system to keep on track and to meet targets.
- The other thing I would like to comment on, which I was really happy to see is the use of pool electronic procurement and the quality assurance policies. But most of all your policy on human resource development, which is again very very good. So the facility also excellent and congratulations and we expect more, you are in the right directions.
- And I was even thinking about sharing experiences with other countries in our continent, Africa. By doing that you can pass your experience to others and at the same time there will be things to learn from others too you know even in a system that is really running well like yours, there will be something to learn from others too.