Training course
Training course title: Good Dispensing practice.
Facilitator: Prof Gustav Malangu is a public health, an International Health, pharmacy practice specialist
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the current understanding of pharmacist’ competencies and professional responsibilities
- Describe components and aspects characterising Good Dispensing Practices
- Describe systems to put in place to ensure the implementation of GDPs
- Use tools for measuring performance, planning and improving dispensing practices
- As outputs, each participant will have produced:
- A situational analysis of their pharmacy
- An improvement plan for their pharmacy
- A personal growth plan
Place: Khartoum /Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim Training Center
Date: 16-21 April 2017.
Time: Daily from 8am to 4 pm.
NMSF will accept applications from pharmacists who are working in the public and private sector.
Participants must meet all the general eligibility requirements;
- written and spoken English language skills
- At least 3 years work experience
- Member of: Sudan Medical Council
- Fill the information below & provide a CV and a letter from your employer.
- Email your app to: sudanpharm.cpd@nmsf.gov.sd by 5th April 2017.
Information needed:
Personal details:
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- State
- Email address
- Phone
Attach the following document:
- Brief CV.
- Letter of reference from your current employer.
- Permanent registration on Sudan medical council.
Contact information: sudanpharm.cpd@nmsf.gov.sd